The two bays adjacent to the city of Melbourne, Port Phillip and Western Port, support a range of highly important ecosystems and habitats, a diverse and range of animals and plants, and provide many environmental, social and economic benefits to Victorians. The bays are an important part of the cultural heritage for the Kulin people and continue to be the focus for a wide range of cultural activities and endeavours. The future health of our two bays depends on the way in which we use and manage our catchments. There are also many risks to the marine environment posed by climate change.
The program is designed to develop deeper cross-collaboration and knowledge sharing. The program has also created a unique curriculum based on the science and traditional knowledge of both bays. In 2016 we are planning to develop the program to include a focus on microplastics and strengthening coastal communities.
The Two Bays Project utilises Pelican 1, a 62 foot catamaran, to conduct marine research, community engagement activities, and provide opportunities for dialogue and information sharing on key bay environmental themes. The Two Bays project has been successfully completed over the last ten summers and seeks to build on the outcomes achieved in these programs.
On February 17, 2016 Victorian educators will take part in a ResourceSmart Schools Biodiversity Workshop aboard the Pelican 1 and focus on the following sample material:
Classification Marine Biodiversity Video Clips My Passport Marine Life Aliens of the Deep